Monthly Meeting Updates and Activities 10.17.16

Our Monthly Meeting for Business will be held this Sunday the 23rd at 8:30 in the Meeting House. Please send me any items for the agenda from your committees.

On Sunday, October 30, we will be having our Fall Clean-up after Meeting for Worship. The storm windows for the meeting house are a priority, along with other tasks for all ages and abilities. The meeting traditionally sponsors a pizza lunch for all the workers! There will be a posting of jobs that can be done on an individual basis, at your convenience, if you are unable to attend.

During lunch, M&C will sponsor a discussion with Friends about how they envision our Macomber Community House hall, representing us to the wider outside community.

On Sunday, November 6, we have two events planned, our first Family Worship of the season and a Welcoming Pot Luck Luncheon.

Family worship will be under the care of the Religious Education Committee. There will be a youth focused message during the time the children are with us. The children will leave for First Day School at 10:40.

At the rise of meeting, we will be having a Welcoming Pot Luck Lunch for our new members, Pamela Drouin, Eric Palmieri and Lily Palmieri. It’s a wonderful opportunity to have some friendly time together as a worship community! Please bring a food dish to share. We’re hoping for a crowd 😉

Our meeting will be hosting the Junior Yearly Meeting Retreat, from Friday eve, November 18-Sunday, November 20.

Our committees have resumed meeting with their newly nominated members. Clerks for the various committees are; Property- Jay Vieira, Finance- Greg Marsello, Ministry and Counsel- Kevin Lee and Hospitality- Gorman Riley.

Copies of the Nominating Slate for 2016/17 will be available on the front vestibule table in the Meeting House and on our website.

Lastly, I’m pleased to report that our transition from a Property Coordinator to shared property upkeep by specific individuals and our committees is working well!  We are dealing with concerns as they arise and, of course, there is a big learning curve. Please share any observations or concerns you may have with Betty Ann Lee, Liaison, who will in turn, communicate with the relevant committee or person concerned. We appreciate your input!

Most Gratefully,
Betty Ann Lee, Clerk