Westport Friends Meeting State of Society

(From NEYM’s Faith and Practice, 1986, p. 244)

“At the end of each calendar year Ministry and Counsel should appoint one or more of its members to prepare and present to its sessions a report on the state of the monthly meeting. The report when approved should be forwarded to the monthly meeting for approval and by that body to the quarterly meeting and the Yearly Meeting. 

The report should be a searching self-examination by the meeting and its members of their spiritual strengths and weaknesses and of the efforts made to foster growth in the spiritual life. Reports may cover the full range of interest and concerns but should emphasize those indicative of the spiritual health of the meeting. Meetings may wish to consider one or more of the following:

  • quality of worship and spiritual ministry;
  • efforts to foster spiritual growth;
  • stand taken on Friends’ principles;
  • personal and family relations;
  • relations with community and other religious groups;
  • participation in general activities of Friends;
  • significant activities, outreach, or concerns of the local meeting;
  • youth of the meeting;
  • meeting community.”

Westport Friends Meeting Ministry and Counsel Committee determines whether or not to produce a State of Society Report for the previous year. Factors that influence this decision are time constraints, projects underway and the overall spiritual needs of our Meeting as a whole.  The following links will take you to previous States of Societies that have been approved by Westport Monthly Meeting’s business meetings.

State of Society 2024

State of Society 2022

State of Society 2021

State of Society 2020

State of Society 2018

State of Society 2013

State of Society 2010 p.1 | page 2

State of Society 2009 p.1  | page 2

State of Society 2008

State of Society 2007

State of Society -draft-2004

State of Society 2003

State of Society 2002 p.1  | page 2

 State of Society 2000

State of Society 1999

State of Society 1998

State of Society 1997

State of Society 1996

State of Society 1995 p.1  | page 2

State of Society 1994 p.1  | page 2

State of Society 1993

State of Society 1992 p.1  | page 2

State of Society 1991 p.1  | page 2

State of Society 1990

State of Society 1989

State of Society 1988






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