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    5 thoughts on “Contact

    1. I am trying to use your page to make an inquiry about using the meeting house for a memorial service for my late husband. The message function is nt working.

    2. look at the message i sent you have no right t all to fly that BLM banner another innocent child was shot and killed also what you voted for that fraud is the one started wars you got no black people in your church you pay no taxes fuck you and your evil church BLM is a bunch terrorist and so are you FUCK YOU take down those banner assholes

    3. As a Westport resident I frequently pass your BLM sign. I would like to know how the BLM/Antifa riots of 2000 in which 140 cities were subjected to unchecked violence, $2 billion in property damage, 2000 police officers injured, and many minority businesses destroyed fits into your support of “social justice
      Andrew DeFarias

      • Hello Mr. DeFarias,
        Thank you for contacting Westport Friends Meeting regarding our position on Black Lives Matter. I want you to know that your note has been received and is being reviewed by our Meeting’s Peace and Social Justice Committee.

        Again, thank you for you for contacting us.

        Kevin Lee, webmaster,
        Westport Friends Meeting

        • Dear Mr. De Farias,

          Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us. Like you, we deplore violence of all kinds and
          categorically reject the destruction to which you refer. While you seem to believe the BLM
          movement resorts to violence, our study of their philosophy and behavior indicates a
          commitment to non-violence. We do not hold BLM responsible for violence that may occur during their protests, anymore than we hold all those attending the January 6, 2021 rally responsible for the violence and destruction that ensued on that day.

          In our research on Antifa we learned that it is a loosely organized group with no set leadership
          and no affiliation with the BLM movement.

          Quakers are a religious society holding the basic belief that there is that of God in all people. We
          reject the use of force or violence in all cases as it dehumanizes all involved. When faced with
          conflict, we appeal to the inner spiritual core present in every person in the hopes that the
          parties might possibly come to a meeting of hearts and minds. We stand by our testimony that violence of any sort from either side is unacceptable. We also stand by our support for dismantling the deep inherent racism that toxifies our society. As our large banner proclaims Love thy neighbor, no exceptions.

          Again we appreciate your reaching out to us and wish you well. We would welcome further
          exploration of this issue together if you would like.

          Peace & Social Concerns Committee
          Westport Monthly Meeting of Friends

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