Westport Meeting Newsletter Nov 26, 2021

Westport Meeting News:

Important Notice: Please be advised that Monthly Meeting for Business, held a discussion on Nov 21, out of concern for rising Covid cases in our region, that we need to return to wearing masks while worshipping in the meetinghouse and during Meeting events and committee meetings in our Community House. Fellowship, including goodies, will continue to be offered following worship, and Friends are of course welcome to lower their masks to eat or drink. In addition, we will also return to using gold colored cloths at the top of meetinghouse benches in order to help with social distancing during meeting for worship. The Meeting remains grateful for your cooperation and understanding.

Save these dates: Our Meeting is, tentatively planning to hold our annual Advent Potluck gathering following worship on Sunday, Dec 12, at 11:30 AM. We are also, tentatively, planning to hold our annual Christmas Eve Service at 7pm, Dec 24, in the meetinghouse. More details on these two events will follow.

Nomination Slate: The 2022-2025 Nominating Committees report to monthly meeting for business on Nov 21, 2021, was approved. Friends may view the 2022-2025 Slate HERE


Midweek worship will continue to be offered each week on Wednesdays at 3:30 PM. Please note that the link for midweek worship is not the same as our regular worship on Sunday. A link for joining Midweek worship (which is the same link each week) will be emailed each week on Wednesday mornings. To insure security, we never post Zoom links on websites or portals visible to the general public. Questions? Contact Kevin Lee.

Help with Zoom Connections: Instructions for connecting to worship each Sunday, and Monthly Meeting for Business each month, is HERE.


MEETING CALENDAR: (All meetings held via Zoom, in person, or hybrid (meaning in-person and via Zoom), as noted)

  • Worship each Sunday in meetinghouse and via Zoom at 10am (hybrid)
  • Midweek worship, Wed, Dec 1, 3:30-4pm. (link sent day of, Zoom only)
  • Seekers Group, Monday, Dec 6, at 7pm. Hybrid. (Gretchen sends link)
  • NEYM Permanent Board, Dec 11, 9am-1pm. via Zoom.
  • [Tentative] Advent Potluck Gathering, Sunday, Dec 12, at rise of worship. Details TBA
  • Peace & Social Justice Committee, Monday, Dec 13, 7pm (Zoom only)
  • NEYM Meeting leaders call, Dec 14, 7pm. via Zoom.
  • Monthly Meeting for Business, Dec 19 at 8am. (Zoom only)
  • [Tentative] Christmas Eve Service, Dec 24, 7pm. Details TBA
  • CHRISTMAS DAY, Sat, Dec 25

MIDWEEK WORSHIP, via Zoom, WEDNESDAYS, 3:30-4:00pm!


Yearly Meeting/Wider Quaker News:

NEYM Faith and Practice Revision Committee: Draft chapter for review and discussion on Ministry and Counsel committees at the monthly meeting level; [Our Meeting’s M&C committee will be reviewing this document, but all Friends are encouraged to review this draft copy as well. Click HERE for the link.

New England Yearly Meeting Newsletter, “It is blessed to Receive, too,” Nov 5, 2021 may be read HERE:

Ministry & Spiritual Life Gathering
Workshop for Treasurers & Financial Stewards
Exploring the Quaker Way
Support for Addressing Racial Justice
Exploring Prayer and Meditation at Woolman Hill
We’re Hiring!
Right Relationship Updates
Reparations as Testimony for Portland Friends
Marian Baker Reports from East Africa
Faith & Practice “Passage of the Month”
Noticing Patterns
Weed Lecture Video
Find Recordings of Yearly Meeting Events
Keep in Touch!
A Last Word

Quakers in the news

Gretchen’s JYM-JHYM latest newsletter, issue of Nov 17, 2021, contains reflections, programming and retreat info for young people, parents and Friends. Read her newsletter HERE.


Quaker organizations, and our Yearly Meeting as a whole, are offering an amazing array of opportunities to expand our knowledge and improve our practice as Friends in a variety of ways. Check out the following links and see what we are being offered! Also, take a few minutes and explore additional programs offered by NEYM by visiting the Events page HERE.

December 14, at 7 PM: An online check-in for Friends serving in leadership roles in their local meetings.

Recurring virtual events


Other events coming soon 

Connect, Learn, Explore, and Be in Service among Friends Regionally and Globally.

Check out an array of Quaker schools, camps, retreat centers, other yearly meetings and Quaker organizations listed on NEYM’s website.

Sandwich Quarterly Meeting News:

Afghan Refugee Information: Deana Kinsky, of Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, provided meetings of our Quarter with recent information about helping Afghan refugees resettle in our area. For ease of reading, the info is on its own page on our site HERE.


What does a life with God require?

God does not demand that we give up our personal dignity,
that we throw in our lot with random people, that we lose ourselves
and turn from all that is not him. God needs nothing, asks nothing,
and demands nothing, like the stars. It is a life with God that demands
these things. … You do not have to sit outside in the dark.
If, however, you want to look at the stars, you will find that darkness
is necessary. But the stars neither require nor demand it.

– Annie Dillard, Teaching a Stone to Talk


Thank you, Friends,

Kevin Lee