Next Seekers Group June 26

Hello dear Friends,

Our next Seekers Meeting is this coming Wednesday, June 26, from 7-9 in the Community House.  We will have a special guest and presenter with us.  Deborah Nixdorf grew up in Westport Meeting and now lives in Oregon with her husband Oscar.  She still feels that Westport Meeting is her grounding and first spiritual home, and she has always remained in touch with us.  Buddy, Marion, and I decided to invite her to join our Seekers group – knowing others would join us as well — to hear about her recent trip to Guatemala.  In her own words, here is what she will be sharing with us:
 I will be bringing photographs from my recent volunteer medical trip to guatemala this past May.  With the photos i will be introducing the beautiful mayan people i met and some of their everyday challenges.  I would like to share my personal challenges and gifts of being a foreigner volunterring abroad and how to to truly be of help to individuals in need.

I really hope many of you will be able to join us for what I am sure will be a gift for the eyes and heart.
