Next Seekers Group Meeting January 29

Hello dear Friends,

It seems best that we let go of trying to find a meeting time for December.  The last Wednesday is Christmas, and for various reasons, others can’t come the week before……it is a very busy time of year!

However, at our small gathering last week, Randy, Buddy and I agreed that having something to read has proven to be very helpful, and I know that some Friends who can’t join us for the actual meetings feel connected to us by the readings.

In light of that, I want to offer this piece by Thomas Kelley, titled The Gathered Meeting,  for you all to consider in the weeks ahead.  Though it not once mentions the word “Christmas,” it is very much about Love arising amongst Seekers awaiting with intentionality, trust, and humility.  In a very real way to me, the Gathered Meeting is Christmas.

I would love for you to share other readings with us.  If you have something, just hit “reply all!”

Our next in person gathering of the Seekers Group is on for January 29th.  I look forward to many informal conversations between us before then.

With much love and gratitude for the fellowship deepening between us….. sometimes in our gatherings I feel rather like those shepherds under the stars, in awe of what gets shared and illuminated.