The Hospitality Committee functions mainly to provide refreshments following our weekly meeting for worship. It is comprised of Friends who usually take turns on a rotating bases as individuals, rather than function as a whole committee the way other Meeting committees typically do.
Key Requirements of the person providing refreshments following worship include:
- Setting up for hospitality before worship on Sunday mornings that includes making sure that cream/creamer is on hand, and setting up a few chairs and small table in the Community House hall.
- Making coffee and heating water for tea so that it is ready following worship.
- Providing for typical sweets, or fruits and beverages suitable for adults and children of the Meeting.
- Cleanup following hospitality, but other Friends are encouraged to help with this also.
Though some Friends bake or buy goodies for hospitality and absorb these expenses as a gift to the Meeting, Friends should also feel encouraged submit slips for reimbursement.
Occasionally, the Hospitality Committee may be called upon to coordinate refreshments and pot-luck meals as requested by Monthly Meeting. In such cases others from within the Meeting community are also expected to help with providing foods, setup, serving and cleanup.