State of Society 2003

State of the Society 2003

This has been a year of challenges.  Three dear Friends died during the year.  Two families struggled with serious illness. National, international, regional and local events have led us to face up and be faithful to our traditional testimonies. We have tried by vigils, attendance at rallies, writing newspaper articles and letters, and by personal witness to speak Truth to Power.  Despite the dominant societal view, we stood as a willing voice calling out for peace and justice.  We have been drawn together by these challenges. The power of corporate prayer and tenderly holding concerns of those close to us knits us together and opens us.

We continue to build and strengthen our faith community. Wherever we come from, there is a strong sense of “coming home” to Meeting. Some new attenders have been attracted to the Meeting, but some families have drifted away spiritually.  To some attenders we have been able to give help and support on their journey; others have not found what they were seeking.  We continue to attend, deepen our faith, witness to our beliefs, support each other spiritually and physically, and pray for the afflicted in our midst and in the wider world.

Many Friends know the phrase, “raising a standard to which all may be drawn.”  In a rather quiet way we have done this, but to many members it seems that we are hiding our light under a bushel.  Outreach is not our strong point.  We need to become even more accessible to newcomers.  Late in the year plans were begun for a Meeting website which may partly address these concerns.
Some Friends find our silent worship together spiritually nurturing, while other Friends hunger for more vocal ministry. Vocal ministry is challenged by acoustical problems:  Some speakers have soft voices while other attenders have impaired hearing.  This is a problem which is being actively addressed by our Property Committee.  Stewardship of our historic Meetinghouse has been an ongoing concern.

We were challenged late in the year by a request for the Meeting to oversee and take under its care the marriage of a same gender couple.  After some discussion and discernment, it was agreed to and the marriage will take place this coming spring.

As a Meeting we enter the New Year with hope and confidence, trusting that the Light will guide us in all that we do.