Monthly Meeting Highlights, May 22, 2011

Friends conducted the following business on Sunday, May 22, 2011:   Betty Ann Lee, Clerk of Meeting, announced that the binder containing the NEYM Faith and Practice Revisions is missing. If anyone has seen it, please contact Betty Ann. Thanks!   Ministry and Counsel clerk Melinda Foley-Marsello reported the following: The (combined) Memorial Minute for […]

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State of Society for 2010

Westport Monthly Meeting’s Ministry and Counsel asked the Meeting to try a new method for writing the 2010 State of Society.  We decided that instead of Worship or Worship Sharing we would “just talk” about the four themes offered from the 2010 annual sessions:   the call to forgiveness;   the call to strengthen our ability to […]

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Ruth and John Jennings Memorial Minute

A Memorial Minute for Ruth and John Jennings     There is no choice but to immerse oneself      in the stream of history……Failure to accept responsibility,Refusal to take a stand     On vital issues,Timid rejection of the ties    Of a true belonging –These are the denials of life.”.    .   .   William Ernest Hocking  found among Ruth’s writings We […]

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Westport Friends Meeting is now on Facebook

We are pleased to annunce that our meeting now has a Facebook page right here. Special thanks are extended to Julie Grundy Marsello for her assistance and guidance in making this happen. The primary purpose of maintaining a Facebook page for our meeting is to promote our annual Book Fair, and to highlight other events […]

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Minute of Sending Forth, NEYM

Minute of Sending Forth/Commission [Note: this is now the approved version—an earlier version was posted by mistake.] Sing and rejoice, ye children of the day and of the light; for the Lord is at work in this thick night of darkness that may be felt. And truth doth flourish as the rose, and the lilies do grow […]

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Friends In Residence Agreement, 2003

  FRIEND(S) IN RESIDENCE HOUSING AND DUTIES AGREEMENT             This agreement is based on an average of 20 hours per week of service to the Meeting. This contract shall be in effect for a period of three consecutive months, and be automatically renewable for continuous three-month periods up to one year from the date of […]

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Friends In Residence Agreement

As members of the meeting are aware, Dave and Emily Sutton will be completing their faithful service to the Meeting as our Friends In Residence at the end of the summer. The Monthly Meeting for Business has created a working group to explore the future needs of the meeting and the role that the FIR […]

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Joe Crookston Meetinghouse Concert

A Special Music Event At Westport Friends Meeting! Joe Crookston Sunday, January 16, 2011 at 2: 00 PM938 Main Road, Westport, MA 02790 Joe Crookston is considered one of the finest finger-picking guitar and banjo players to be rising from the ranks. His music and concerts are filled with joy, energy, beauty, truth, laughter, thought […]

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Finance Committee

Finance CommitteeWestport Friends Meeting FinCom Report to Business Meeting, February, 2013 FinCom Report to Business Meeting, October, 2012 2012 Propposed Operating Budget Westport Friends Meeting Annual Appeal, November 2011 Profit and Loss Statement, July 2011 2011 Westport Friends Meeting Proposed Budget   Questions? Please contact Greg Marsello, clerk

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