Hayden Chase Tatman Memorial Minute

Hayden Manton Chase Tatman Memorial Minute Hayden Manton Chase Tatman, son of Deana Chase and Blair Tatman, and brother of Cooper Thayer Chase Tatman, died suddenly and unexpectedly on August 20, 2002.  He was twenty-four years old. From the age of eight into his college years, Hayden lived across the street from the Westport Friends’ […]

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Eleanor Tripp Memorial Minute

Eleanor Tripp Memorial Minute Sixteen years before her death on August 16, 2003, at the age of 93, the following minute of appreciation was approved: “We have been charmed by her personality, enchanted by her flowers, warmed by her unfailing and generous hospitality, and informed by her historical interest and acumen. By her regular attendance […]

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Receive our Meeting Newsletter

Our Meeting produces a monthly Newsletter in both hardcopy and via email. So that we may save postage and printing costs, most of our members and attenders receive our Newsletter via email. Our online Newsletter goes out using Constant Contact, which ensures that you are protected from spam and unwanted ads. You can view previous […]

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Memorial Minutes

Following the death of a meeting member, Friends have the practice of creating a Memorial Minute that strives to celebrate the spiritual life of the deceased Friend and honor his or her place within the life of the Meeting and wider community. Ministry and Counsel Committee is charged  with creating Memorial Minutes, which are then considered for approval by the Monthly Meeting […]

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State of Society 2000

State of Society, 2000 Westport Monthly Meeting’s Committee on Ministry and Counsel decided to generate this year’s State of Society Report directly from written responses by members and attenders. Over a period of three weeks, Friends of all ages were encouraged to write directly onto large sheets of poster board or on separate sheets of […]

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First Day School-Index

 Westport Friends Meeting First Day School Program   Our Meeting’s First Day School (known as Sunday School in other faith traditions) is offered on Sundays during our Meeting’s worship service. Worship for all begins at 10:00 AM on Sunday, and children leave for First Day School (FDS) twenty minutes into the hour and ends at […]

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State of Society 2003

State of the Society 2003 This has been a year of challenges.  Three dear Friends died during the year.  Two families struggled with serious illness. National, international, regional and local events have led us to face up and be faithful to our traditional testimonies. We have tried by vigils, attendance at rallies, writing newspaper articles […]

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State of Society 2002

State of Society 2002 At the core of all we do and are is the Meeting for Worship, where the energy of the Spirit flows naturally from the hour of silence to the moments after when we hold in the Light those Friends with specific needs.  From this flow our announcements, Business Meeting, and social […]

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State of Society 2008

State of Society Report 2008 In New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) monthly meetings take time to reflect on their spiritual health. This reflection process ends with the preparation of The State of Society Report. Westport’s Ministry and Counsel Committee (M&C) has received the State of Society queries from NEYM M&C Committee and find them helpful […]

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State of Society 2007

State of Society 2007 The breath of God embraces us. We are a diverse spiritual community, not ethnically or racially but in spiritual orientation and personality.  Some of us have difficulty even with the word “God,” while others experience a vibrant and ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ. Some of us are led to charism* …, […]

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