Friends In Residence Agreement, 2003




            This agreement is based on an average of 20 hours per week of service to the Meeting. This contract shall be in effect for a period of three consecutive months, and be automatically renewable for continuous three-month periods up to one year from the date of signing.  Westport Monthly Meeting of Friends, hereby referred to as the “Meeting,” agrees to provide three months notice to the Friend in Residence if it determines not to renew this agreement. The Friend In Residence agrees to provide three months notice to the Meeting prior to leaving the position. Both parties agree to review this agreement within one year of signing and again every year thereafter. A formal review of this document will be held before this agreement is renewed.

            This agreement acknowledges that the Friend In Residence will be absent occasionally for vacation and other reasons. The Meeting requests to be notified if the Resident plans to be away for more than two consecutive days. In addition, the Meeting requests that absence from the premises for vacation purposes not exceed a period of two consecutive weeks. During such absences, the Meeting shall be responsible for the duties of the Friend In Residence.

            Westport Monthly Meeting stipulates that Property Committee shall be charged with overseeing, maintaining, and renewing this agreement. The Friend(s) In Residence should primarily be accountable to this committee as well.




1.                  The Friend(s) in Residence shall have exclusive use of the home at 937 Main Road, Westport, without cost of rent in exchange for the duties carried out in Sections B and C, below. The Resident understands that the cost of all related utilities shall be the Resident’s. Westport Monthly Meeting agrees to pay for the basic monthly phone service, and applicable charge calls to conduct Meeting business. The Resident agrees to be responsible for additional personal calls made on the meeting’s telephone.

2.                  Before moving in, a representative of Property Committee and the Resident agree to inspect the premises and note any needs for repair. Both parties also agree to conduct an annual inspection of the premises and note areas needing repair and/or maintenance before the annual review.  The Resident agrees, upon vacating premises, to leave the residence in good, reasonable repair, allowing for normal wear and tear.

3.                  The Resident understands that said dwelling is intended for his/her household use only, and no part of residence will be sublet or assigned to persons not a part of the original agreement. Furthermore, any changes in use of the dwelling and property at 937 Main Road must have prior approval of the Meeting.

4.                  Household pets, such as cats and dogs (not more than two of each) and other typical “pet store” animals are permitted.  Keeping of fowl and any type of livestock are not permitted.

5.                  A support/liaison committee, consisting of two Meeting members other than Property Committee members, shall be established to assist and facilitate communication between the Friend(s) In Residence and the Meeting.

6.                  As way opens Westport Monthly Meeting of Friends earnestly extends an invitation to the Friend(s) In Residence to become a part of the shared worship and sense of community of the Meeting.


            The resident Friend is typically the Meeting’s initial contact with the public and various organizations that use the facilities or inquire about Friends in general.  Duties consist as follows:

1.                  Answer the Meeting telephone and route messages to persons as required.

2.                   Sort incoming mail and deposit in appropriate mailboxes.

3.                  Answer questions about Westport Meeting and Quakerism in general.

4.                  Maintain the Meeting’s Community House Calendar and generally oversee the building when in use by outside groups. Distribute to groups using the facilities the Building Use and Cleanup Guidelines and advise same of applicable fees.

5.                   Meet with persons using facilities for the first time, providing and explaining to guests the Meeting’s Building Use And Cleanup Guide.

6.                  Maintain reasonable security and be aware of people coming and going and other non-scheduled visits to the property.

7.                  Inform Property Committee of maintenance and repair needs or concerns in general.

8.                  Be available to meet monthly with Property Committee and Monthly Meeting for Business.


1.                  Caretaking:  

a)      Arrange for contracted snow removal service as needed. Remove snow from all walkways, ramps and stairs as needed. Sweep stairs and ramps as needed.

b)     Remove/dispose trash and recycle items regularly.

c)      Restock and reorder supplies as needed.

d)     As requested, assist with needs of Religious Education Committee in assuring that buildings and classrooms are ready and cleaned for First Day School use, or other planned Meeting events.

e)      Set up kitchen for coffee hour each Sunday morning.

f)       Set up tables and chairs as needed for monthly meeting for business.

g)     Be available for setup/breakdown, or as required, for occasional meetings of Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, Yearly Meeting Committees, Retreats or Westport Meeting holiday events.

h)     Be available for Spring and Fall Meeting Clean-up days.

i)       Assist with the preparation for, and daylong event of, the Meeting’s Annual Book Sale held in July each year. Be available to assist with clean-up and breakdown also.

j)        Mow lawn and trim grounds as needed in summer. Report needs for equipment repair or replacement to Property Committee.

k)     Report problems (such as lack of cleanup) by groups using facilities for possible action by Property Committee.

l)       Be available for periodic “walkabouts” of the residential and Meeting grounds with members of Property Committee.

2.                  Routine Weekly Cleaning:

a)      Clean and sanitize bathrooms, wet-mop floors, replace and reorder paper products as needed.

b)      Wipe down counters and dust kitchen, wet-mop floor, oversee and dispose of items left in fridge. Remove trash as frequently as required. (Depending on scheduled use)

c)       Vacuum and remove trash from classrooms in preparation for use by Friends. Vacuum and/or sweep hallways in Community House.

d)     Sweep/dry mop hardwood hall floor in Community House. Replenish wood box for fireplace use as needed.

e)      Vacuum and dust Meetinghouse. Tidy up benches and foyer, etc. in preparation for meeting for worship. Sweep mats and ramp.

f)        Maintain cleaning closet, keeping vacuum cleaner, brooms and dust mops in working condition so that Friends and Groups will have them available.

g)      Assist Property Committee with creating chores list for Spring and Fall cleanup days.

We, the undersigned, have read, discussed and understand this Agreement:


_____________________         _____________________     _______________

               Friend In Residence                                   Clerk of Meeting                             Date of Signing