Is our Meeting Racially Diverse, or NOT?

Peace and Social Justice Committee is pleased to announce a discussion titled, Is our Meeting Racially Diverse, or NOT?

The articles in the January issue of Friends Journal raises many questions and concerns in which to reflect Upon.

In the article titled, “Are we ready to make the necessary changes?” It reveals the historical legacy of the early Quakers distancing relationship with people of color to 21st century struggles to have a truly racially diverse Religious Society if Friends.

What steps can we take to eliminate oppression and racism?

What are the structures and practices that Quakers continue to maintain that reinforce patterns of racial exclusion?

How can we have direct, authentic, cross-racial experiences?

Please join us in reflection and dialogue on Sunday, November 3 between 11:30 AM and 1:00 PM. Please bring a bagged lunch. Refreshments will be provided.

Visit the Friends Journal January 2019 Issue: A Racially Diverse Society of Friends? 
Feature articles related to our discussion:

Are We Ready to Make the Necessary Changes? by Vanessa Julye

Building White Racial Stamina by Elizabeth A. Oppenheimer

Greater Racial Diversity Requires Greater Theological Diversity by Adria Gulizia

Expectant Visions of a Christian Anarchist by Zae Asa Illo

We Are Not John Woolman by Gabbreell James

Questions? Contact Pam at 508-979-6838

Location: Macomber Friends Community House at Westport Friends Meeting. 930 Main Road, Westport, MA 02790.

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