Monthly Meeting Highlights, May 22, 2011

Friends conducted the following business on Sunday, May 22, 2011:


Betty Ann Lee, Clerk of Meeting, announced that the binder containing the NEYM Faith and Practice Revisions is missing. If anyone has seen it, please contact Betty Ann. Thanks!


Ministry and Counsel clerk Melinda Foley-Marsello reported the following:

  • The (combined) Memorial Minute for Ruth and John Jennings was read with heartfelt appreciation and was approved. Please read the memorial minute here.
  • The State of Society Report for Westport Meeting was read and approved. Please read the SOS Report here

Gretchen Baker-Smith, clerk of the Friends in Residence Working Group, submitted a report of the committee's work over the past several months, culminating with a recommendation for action. The plan calls for a one year trial including creating a Property Coordinator, contracting maintenance services and renting the residence.  


After a period of discussion Meeting gave preliminary approval of the recommendation as it was presented in its "first reading." In order to give everyone a chance to review the proposal thoroughly, the matter will be placed on the agenda at our next business meeting on June 12 for final approval.  


Friends are urged to read the full report here. Friends are encouraged to speak with Gretchen Baker-Smith, (508-997-0940) or other members of the FIR Working Group if you wish to offer additional input, or have questions, etc.


(Friends who receive our Newsletter via US Mail or in paper form in the Meetinghouse will have pertinent documents attached.)   


Kevin Lee reported that he has been collaborating with Julie Grundy Marsello, a Web developer, to create a Westport Friends Meeting Facebook page. The Facebook presence will be primarily used to promote our annual Book Fair. Meeting approved the creation of this outreach tool. See the Meeting's Facebook Page here