Symposium: A Call to Action – Abolition, Activism and a Principled Life April 7, 2018

A request to share this information, and invitation to Westport Friends from New Bedford Friends Meeting:
There’s an upcoming symposium in New Bedford, organized by several groups interested in history, that Westport Friends may be interested in attending.   It’s called “A Call to Action — Abolition, Activism, and the Principled Life” and it involves a fair amount of information about historical New England Quaker activists and their involvement in the abolitionist movement.

The symposium will be taking place at the Whaling Museum in New Bedford on April 7th from 9 to 3. The cost is $35, and info about the symposium is here:

After the symposium, New Bedford Meeting, which is at 83 Spring St., and within walking distance of the Whaling Museum, will be hosting a supper for visiting Friends as well as for other people attending the symposium.We’ll have the meeting house open after the symposium, and will provide a simple dinner in the Barclay Room, starting at  around 5.  We hope to offer an opportunity for Friends and others to talk about what meaning this history has for us today. (See attached flyer.)

We hope some Friends from Westport will join us for supper.  Also: If Friends plan to come to dinner, it would be great if they can let Pat Regan ( or  me (  know via email; although it’s not required, it’ll be helpful to have a rough headcount.) 

Martha E. Mangelsdorf
New Bedford Friends Meeting