Westport Meeting Newsletter July 16, 2021

Westport Meeting News: 

FELLOWSHIP AND REFRESHMENTS FOLLOWING WORSHIP RESUMES! Gorman Reilly, clerk of Hospitality Committee, will be heading up efforts to begin bringing light goodies, coffee, tea, and related refreshments for Friends to enjoy during fellowship after worship on Sunday. Can you help? If so, email Gorman HERE, or call her at 917-495-9107.

Midweek worship will continue to be offered each week on Wednesdays at 3:30 PM. Please note that the link for midweek worship is not the same as our regular worship on Sunday. A link for joining Midweek worship (which is the same link each week) will be emailed each week on Wednesday mornings. To insure security, we never post Zoom links on websites or portals visible to the general public. Questions? Contact Kevin Lee.
Help with Zoom Connections: Instructions for connecting to worship each Sunday, and Monthly Meeting for Business each month, is HERE.


MEETING CALENDAR: (All meetings via Zoom Unless Noted) 

  • Worship each Sunday in meetinghouse and via Zoom at 10  AM
  • Seekers Group, Monday, July 19, at 7 PM. (Gretchen sends link)
  • Midweek worship, Wed, July 21 , 3:30-4 PM. (link sent day of)
  • Sandwich Quarterly Meeting, sponsored by Sandwich Meeting via Zoom, July 24. Details TBA
  • Monthly Meeting for Business, scheduled for July 25 HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
  • Quaker Voluntary Service Fellow’s Retreat (Private) at Westport Meeting, July 26-29 (Info below)
  • Peace & Social Justice Committee, Sunday, Aug 1, 8:15-9:45 AM
  • JYM Pre-Sessions Retreat, Aug 1-4. Details
  • SAVE THE DATE: NEYM Annual (virtual) Sessions, Aug 7-12, 2021. Preliminary details



Yearly Meeting/Wider Quaker News:

Gretchen’s JYM-JHYM latest bi-weekly newsletter of July 7, 2021, containing programming and retreat info for young people, parents and Friends, and, news about Gretchen bringing her tenure to a close next year, can be read HERE. 

NEYM Newsletter: Grounded in Blessing, July 10, 2021, may be read HERE.

Introduction by Honor Woodrow 
Annual Sessions is coming!
Exploring Spiritual Practices
Save the Date: Next Gathering on Ministry and Spiritual Life
Proposed chapter for Faith & Practice
Poem: “Trauma Tree”
New QuakerSpeak video
Right Relationship resource group news
Friends coalition for racial justice
Quaker parenting resource
What’s new in the Archives
Roadmap for action on Climate Change
Quakers in the news

What is Quaker Voluntary Service?

Quaker Voluntary Service is a year-long Fellowship program in which young adults between the ages 21-30 build intentional community, work full time at social service and social change agencies, and explore themes of spiritual and personal growth with local Quakers. Fellows receive housing, transportation, food, support for health and wellness (including access to health insurance if needed), and a small stipend, while engaging in regular self-led workshops and retreats that allow for continuing education in social justice, faith, and community building topics. (From their website) Moe info HERE.


Friends, though we are living in challenging times these days, many individual Friends, monthly meetings, Quaker organizations, and our Yearly Meeting as a whole, are offering an amazing array of opportunities to expand our knowledge and improve our practice as Friends in a variety of ways. Check out the following links and see what we are being offered! Also, take a few minutes and explore additional programs offered by NEYM by visiting the Events page HERE.

September 14: An online check-in for Friends serving in leadership roles in their local meetings
July 24: A gathering via Zoom of Friends in meetings in southeastern Massachusetts

Recurring virtual Quaker events:

Events coming soon: 

NEYM Annual (virtual) Sessions, Aug 7-12, 2021. Preliminary details

Connect, Learn, Explore, and Be in Service among Friends Regionally and Globally.

Check out an array of Quaker schools, camps, retreat centers, other yearly meetings and Quaker organizations listed on NEYM’s website.


Our life is love, and peace, and tenderness;
And bearing one with another,
And forgiving one another,
And not laying accusations
One against another;
But praying one for another,
And helping one another
Up with a tender hand…
      – Isaac Penington

Thank you, Friends,
Kevin Lee