Westport Meeting Newsletter, Nov 11 2022

Westport Meeting News: 

NOTICE: Please be advised that the Community House Hall will be closed for annual floor maintenance Dec 26-31. Friends will still have access to the Potter House and kitchen via rear doors, but not the front door that week. This is necessary to allow time for the floor refinishing to dry thoroughly.

Approved previous minutes of Monthly Meeting for Business may be read HERE.



(All meetings held via Zoom, in person, or hybrid (meaning in-person and via Zoom), as noted)

  • Worship each Sunday in meetinghouse and via Zoom at 10am (hybrid)
  • Midweek Meeting for Worship, Wed, Nov 16, 3:30-4pm. Via Zoom
  • Monthly Meeting for Business, Nov 20, at 8am. Zoom only
  • Ministry and Counsel Committee,Monday, Nov 21, at 7pm via Zoom (only)
  • Seekers Group, Nov 28 at 7pm. (Hybrid) Potter House and Zoom
  • Peace and Social Justice Committee, 7pm, Dec 5 via Zoom
  • NEYM monthly check-in for Friends serving their local meetings, Dec 13, 7pm (See below)
  • NOTICE: Community House Hall closed Dec 26-31 for floor maintenance 

MIDWEEK WORSHIP, via Zoom, WEDNESDAYS, 3:30-4:00pm. (Kevin sends link day of)


Yearly Meeting/Wider Quaker News:

 NEYM October 2022 Newsletter, “What Is My Work To Do?” by Alison Livie, may be read HERE.

Support for Quaker Parents
The Life Cycle of a Meeting
Embracing Spiritual Gifts
Facing Our History
Faithfulness Groups Workshop
Faith & Practice Revision
New Book on Eldering
Friends Camp Video
Stewardship Resources
Got Photos?
A Last Word


Recurring virtual events


Other events coming soon 


Monthly Check-In for Friends Serving Their Local Meetings

Dec 13, at 7 PM: An online check-in for Friends serving in leadership roles in their local meetings.
Quaker Indigenous Boarding Schools: Facing Our History and Ourselves
A hybrid program at Beacon Hill Friends House and on Zoom 
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 7:00 to 9:00
Register on Beacon Hill Friends website


Sandwich Quarterly Meeting News:

  • Sat, Jan 28, 2023, SQM Business,- hosted by Martha’s Vineyard Friends. Zoom only. 
  • Sat, March 25, SQM Ministry and Counsel, at E. Sandwich Meeting.


Quaker Programs, Study, Retreats, and Spiritual Nurture:

Woolman Hill Retreat Center

Beacon Hill Friends House

Powell House

Pendle Hill

The Seed: Conversations for Radical Hope (Quaker Weekly podcast by Pendle Hill)


If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is “Thank You,” it will be enough.
– Mesiter Eckhart

Thank you, Friends,